
The biggest WordPress conference in Europe, organised by the community, for the community.


Inspiring Speakers

Our curated list of speakers will be from all over the world, showcasing the best and brightest in Europe, and bringing in international heroes to meet you all. You’ll leave Leiden feeling inspired, invigorated, and ready to take on the world.


Meet your Peers

Meet other WordPress community members from across Europe. Find out what they’re doing, chat with each other, see how you can work together. Catch up with old friends, and make new ones. A WordPress user you don’t know is just a friend you haven’t met.


Expand your Mind

There’ll be so many WordPress people packed into one space that by just breathing in the air you’ll absorb a wealth of knowledge. Learn new WordPress tricks and techniques from the pros, find out how top businesses are doing their thing, and hook up with the people that make WordPress.


Have Fun

In Europe, we know how to throw a party, and Leiden is the perfect location for it. When the presentations are over, try out the bars and restaurants, hang out with friends, and have fun at one of the biggest WordPress parties of the entire year.